QRC Introduction

qrcAnalytics provides actionable data and quality service based on a holistic view of the clinical practice. We are acutely aware of the challenges facing clinicians and respect the workload of clinical staff. We provide data and services that improve the quality of care rendered to the patient and support accurate compensation without excessive interruption of the clinicians’ daily workflow.

Transitioning to Value-Based Care – qrcRiskReadiness Assessment™

When is the right time for your organization take on risk? This qrcRiskReadiness Assessment™ is designed to answer that question and to help you methodically phase in risk and build core capabilities to better manage your population. Quality, Risk (CMS-HCC), Evaluation/Management Services, and Chronic Condition Management initiatives have traditionally been siloed programs within provider organizations. Yet the coordination of these programs, in conjunction with the active management of your member populations, is critical to the success of taking on risk. This assessment takes a holistic approach to scoring your risk readiness by providing analysis and actionable data that spans across all of these critical initiatives.